Saturday, June 25, 2005

A Little Help For Our Friends

Just as soon as LBP makes any sort of plan, it changes. We were dead set on not playing until releasing a new record when fate decided that that wasn't the way to go. Jeff Dussair and Jarrod Murphy (two huge supporters of the band and close friends to all of us) had a fire at their home and lost most everything, Tyson asked if we would like to put together a benefit and of course we said yes. The natural place to have it seemed to be Dean's and the natural counterpart seemed to be Drop Trio. They both got on board right away and Little Brother Project's return to the stage was set.

It's funny how things always seem to work themselves out for us, we thought our plan (of not playing) was perfect but actually this show was something we really needed. It was an opportunity for Beatty to have a farewell gig (it was feeling very unnatural for a family member to just disappear without a real goodbye), it was our chance to introduce our new drummer Morris, we have been very excited to show him off and he got to do a couple of songs last night. And we got to see a lot of LBP friends and family, it seemed like everyone was there (I think love for Jeff and Jarrod might have a little to do with that).

Drop Trio opened the night. Every time I see them play , I find it easy to understand why they are so popular with both fans and the local music press. It's very refreshing to see such talented musicians who are also extremely entertaining.

By the time our set came along Dean's was standing room only. We introduced a couple of the new pieces that we've been working on and played some LBP favorites. It became clear to us pretty early on that this wasn't going to be mistake free music night (it had been six months) so the pressure was off early and we just had fun. It seemed as if everyone was having a good time and a few people were pissed that the set ended sooner than they would've liked. (Always leave them wanting more, right Marc?)

On a personal note, last night felt like the end of a very long road that began with surgery in January. It was also the beginning of a new road, real life, out of the comfort of home and back into the world. The LBP family has been amazing since day one, I never expected the love and support that I have received from every one of you. So many of you know every detail of what I've been through (I guess someone's actually reading this crap that I write) and you've been incredible every step of the way. I will never be able to thank you enough.

So, it's nice to be back. We're going into hiding a little while longer to work on new material and still looking forward to recording. We have a show scheduled for August at Clark's and can't wait to see everyone again. It will be funny, while we're introducing new music that we've poured our hearts and souls into, to count how many times someone screams "Night Rider" :)

Jeff and Jarrod, I hope we made a little bit of a difference,
Thanx to Dean's,
Thanx to Drop Trio,
Thanx to everyone of you,
Coy - LBP Bass

p.s. Beatty, we'll miss you, take care of yourself and come home soon.
(this and every blog I wrote before this one say that Beatty posted them because he refuses to add me to the list of people who can post - a lasting gift from the kid)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A New Era

As everything in our personal life starts to quiet down, LPB now can start back up. As you know, I (Coy) had a heart transplant on January 31st, Marc got married in April, Marty was helping to plan Marc's wedding that happened in April - Marc, Conrad and Tyson all bought houses recently, Phyve has been going to school, and Beatty, sadly was forced to leave us because he is being deployed to Iraq this summer. So far, 2005 has included very little music for Little Brother. That has finally started to change. I am doing much better (better than ever really), the new mortgages are in full swing, Marc's wife (Lindsey) is ready for him to get the *&^!#@ out of the house and best of all we found an amazing drummer and amazing person with our very first drummer audition (I still can't believe our luck). His name is Morris and you will soon see what a perfect addition to LBP he is.

So now starts a new chapter. Everything that's happened actually (other than losing Beatty) feels like exactly what we needed. We are all very excited to be back to work and having fun shaking off the dust. Since we didn't get to finish the recording we started in January, we've decided (mostly since we have a new member) to start over. We have been in the process of writing completely new material for a completely new record over the last month or so. We plan to be in the studio in the next couple of months and then back on stage (where we belong). For now, we are putting together a compilation of live stuff that we have recorded over the last year or so. I'll warn you now, the sound quality is a little bootlegish but the quality of the songs and jams are something we're very proud of. That will be available on soon, so keep checking back.

We look forward to seeing you all again,
Thanx for your continued support,
Coy - LBP Bass

p.s. Beatty, we love you and will miss you. Come home soon